Friday 6 March 2015


The trouble with the sun coming out to play is that it also bring out my slightly dumpy and very slow running partner. Uninvited running partner. Every time I catch sight of her it really pisses me off. Who does she think she is plodding along next to me!! I have my head phones in and do not acknowledge her at all! I mean that is not running, it is barely a power walk with a wiggle! Go away!!!! Everywhere I go, she is there! Arrrggghhhh! 

Anyway I took great glee in slamming the door in her face when I got back home. Ner ner ner ner ner! Sod off shadow! Come back when you look like a runner!!

Saturday 7 February 2015


I was aiming for sub 33 (get me sounding all athlete!) at my first Park Run and I was a little miffed at 33 mins 14 secs. However I have since had a little word with myself. A month ago I would not have even gone. When I arrived I was petrified but everyone was so smiley and friendly. I ran the whole way round the lovely 5K course listening to my running partner of the day rabbiting on as if she had the lung capacity of a blue bloody whale!! She was lovely to stay with me as her springy step hinted that she had much more in the tank! I kind of loved it - when I had finished!

Like I keep saying - I am a runner now and although I keep saying there is no membership card I do now have a barcode for ParkRun! 

Anyway, I am now very pleased with myself because I looked back to the beginning of January when I started my challenge and just look at the difference!! I am so much faster. I AM A RUNNER. Also for the record I am a STONE lighter!! Completely fandabbydosy! Big whopper #crushagrape day!


Friday 6 February 2015

My Smile Today is Brought to You By - Fabulous Feb

So January is already in the bag and now on with February. Still running, just not every day and now I look forward to my runs and actually sometimes miss not running on the rest days?! Looking forward to the Spring when we can all start galloping across the fields....

Speaking of Spring. Just brought a little Spring into my kitchen. Made this table centre piece that I thought you might like. Grabbed some Narcissus Tete a Tete (ickle daffs) from Lidl for 79p a pot - used 4 pots. Got the kids to find some little twigs in the garden. Shoved it all in a wooden bowl (note to visitors - might not want the salad next time if served in this!).

Sunshine in a bowl.

Rest of the house is a shithole but the table looks smashing!

Have a lovely day and bring some sunshine into your lives.


Saturday 31 January 2015

Run Jan - Done!

I still cannot believe that I have done it. I ran every day. No cheating. I ran every blooming day. Come rain or shine!


Thank you to everyone who has supported me and especially those who ran with me now and again. It has been amazing. Dare I say life changing?!?

75.1 miles run.

Just a little matter of the Winter Run 10K tomorrow. I am most definately having Monday off from running but this is it now. I am a runner.

MASSIVE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. It has been emotional.


Monday 26 January 2015

Day 24 and 25 - Day Dreaming

Saturday I ran 3 miles
Sunday I ran 3.5 miles.

I felt pretty good on both runs,  a little springy even! I have lost a bit of weight with all this running and blimey it makes a difference so I am encouraged to keep eating well. 

Mr EJM got me a running snood fleecy thing at Christmas trying to tempt me into running more. This was before my weird idea to run every day in January surfaced. In the bag was this card and he put it with the present. It really hit home to me. Finally after 25 days of running I really do believe it - I am a runner.

I do not mean in a Paula Radcliffe kind of way but that is the point. The minute I step foot outside that door I am a runner. Get me! A runner! 

So on Sunday when I was running in daylight I did not worry that people might see me running. 
Might see my wobbly bits jiggle. 
Might see my bright red face shining in the distance. 
I always used to feel embarrassed, especially when I saw a 'Proper Runner' but like the quote says - there is no membership card, no licence! Who cares?! I am a runner!

I ran along the river and always see this property and think how amazing it would be...  My Dad would have a fit if I ever tried to move here having worked for The Environment Agency. Living by a river - "Asking for trouble!". Just look at it though!!

So whilst running I started to design the beautiful bay window in the Master Bedroom with a fitted window seat and that top bit with all that light flooding in is just crying out to be a studio...... Might double up on the lottery this week!


Total Miles in Jan: 63.1

Friday 23 January 2015

Day 23 - Less Bounce!

Just about to go for run 23. 

Anyway, wanted to just let you know about my fabulous new boulder holder sent to me by the brilliantly named

They heard all about my Barbara Windsor booby moment the other week and sent me their top selling running bra - The Shock Absorber Ultimate RUN bra - to see if that contained the beasts, I mean breasts. 

Well they may be called Less Bounce but believe me there is no bounce at all. They are soooooo secure!! Not in a 'cannot breathe and have created forty other sets of breasts' kind of way. It is not too high up at the sides like I have found with some sports bras. It is simply great for running in. This bra is the Tina Turner of all bras - Simply the Breast! Sorry, too tacky?  

The straps are padded and so when I take it off I no longer have a bra imprint for the next two hours and honestly when I am running it is fabulous. No rubbing, no digging in. Just perfect.

The most amazing thing about this though is - IT IS BRIGHT PINK. Usually the sports bras I have had to get are dull and boring and even though there is NO WAY this bra will ever be on show - I love the fact it is pink! How blooming lovely! The peeps at were so helpful as well, really making sure the fit was just right with lots of really helpful advice on their site and in emails.

Anyway, boobs are secure so I am just off for run 23. Bit chilly out so expect there could be some peanut smuggling going on but with the layers I have on I will not be poking any eyes out. 


There is currently £5 off the super dooper Shock Absober Ultimate RUN Bra at

Thursday 22 January 2015

Run 21 and 22 - The Long and Winding Road

Thank goodness for the girlies tonight because I am so over running around these same old roads!! It is so dark in the evenings I am restricted to where I can run and if I want to avoid a hill there is only so many roads to go down!

So lucky for me I had some chatty running pals tonight who brightened up my route! We did do hills tonight which seemed steeper than ever! Running with people really does keep you going though and despite my tired legs we plodded around 3 miles today. Had a cheeky run yesterday of 2 miles in between various pick ups and drop offs of kids. Fitting in a run seems to be part of my routine now. I wonder what is going to happen in Feb!?

Total Miles in Jan: 55.6